Technical SEO

We speek Geek.

There’s more to ranking on Google than having good keywords. Your technical SEO is the fine-tuned motor that keeps your site running at 100 mph.

It’s not just about being on the first page, it’s about leading the pack.

We cut through the bullshit to get straight to the technical goodies. Whether we’re supercharging site speed, untangling dead links, or digging into structured data, we’re the strategic partners you need to uncover technical issues that could impact your SEO performance.

Sure, we’ve got your sitemaps and robots.txt files covered, but we go even further. We use bots and our own AI to crawl your site and report back on existing issues and missed opportunities that can give your business the extra “umph” it needs to stand out.


Technically speaking

We don’t just wait for issues to arise – we seek them out before they become roadblocks to your site’s performance.

1. Audit & Analysis

We start with the basics. We check out your Google Lighthouse Score for mobile and desktop. We run our bots and AI tools to crawl your site for existing issues, missed opportunities and potential roadblocks.

01. SEO audit with recommendations

We use custom bots to crawl your site and report back on existing issues and missed opportunities that could be impacting your search engine ranking. You can take that list to your internal team of developers to fix or hand it back to us.

03. Website performance monitoring

Continuous monitoring of your website speed, uptime, and other performance metrics; we can tackle those updates for you or help your team fit them into their workload.

02. SEO issue remediation

We’ll work with your team to fix all those pesky technical issues that are plaguing your site SEO. Whether you want us to fix them in the code, provide the details to your tech team, or use an overlay to make improvements, we’re ready to tackle the big baddies.

04. Custom SEO tracking portal

Gain access to a handy portal thats connected to your website. Each month you’ll get a new ‘to-do’ list of actions based on your SEO goals. Use the portal to make updates or work with your team to manage on-site tasks and explanations so easy that anyone on your team can do it.

Curious about pricing?

Transparency is our mantra – especially when it comes to numbers. Check out our services and rates. No BS budgets or tech-heavy jargon – just real examples and clear deliverables.

What is “SEO”?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s an umbrella term that refers to the many strategies we put in place to help people find your website.

There are several types of SEO, and we focus on the technical side called “Technical SEO”.