Case Study :: Website Launch

Abio Properties

One of our partners came to us about the Abio website in 2021. The entire site was a custom-built nightmare that left the Abio team without the ability to make any substantial changes.

The Challenge

The Abio Properties marketing team needed a fast website that let them not only manage their own content, but manage micro-sites for agents in a flash.

The Solution

We rebuilt the site while integrating the robust Abio Properties branding into the styles. The new site has a TON of customizable options with shortcuts and integrations that allow the team to make changes that refresh across the site all at once.

The new site features a new URL parameter structure that allows each individual agent to have a full site without having to host or manage another website. Now, all of the agent pages and agent sites are managed in a single location so the team can spend more time marketing the houses they list instead of the agents they represent.

Abio Properties

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California – USA

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