Accessibility Improvements

A more inclusive internet is possible

Improvements to web accessibility standards are happening every day and we stand with them. We’re excited to create spaces that accommodate all users and deliver empowerment one click at a time. 

Building a web for everyone,
one improvement at a time.

The benefits of accessibility are substantial. A more accessible website isn’t just a legal checkbox; it’s a competitive edge. A website that’s easy to navigate, with clear content and functional features, boosts user satisfaction and engagement for everyone – not just those with disabilities. 

Making your site accessible isn’t just good ethics, it’s good business. 

When you prioritize accessibility, you create a user-friendly environment that encourages repeat customers. Furthermore, accessible websites tend to rank better in search engines, making them user-friendly and search-engine-friendly. By committing to accessibility, you’re not just meeting legal requirements; you’re setting yourself up for a more successful online presence that resonates with a broader audience.

Crafting a web that’s open to all, moving inclusivity forward with every step.

Creating an inclusive web is a journey of understanding and action. Here’s how we are making it happen: 

1. Accessibility Audit

We’ll begin by identifying barriers and gaps in your current site. We will review your website against W3 WCAG2 Standards, and create a list of improvements including: 

  • Providing text alternatives for non-text content like images and videos,
  • Providing captions and transcripts for multimedia content,
  • Creating content that can be presented through assistive technology without losing meaning or clarity, 
  • Making content easier to see and hear,
  • Ensuring a keyboard can be used for all website functionality,
  • Removing content that might be cause seizures or physical reactions, 
  • Helping users navigate and find content, and 
  • Making sure all text is visible and readable. 

01. Accessibility assessment

We’ll run comprehensive accessibility audits to identify issues and barriers for users with disabilities. Our compliance assessment compares your site against the WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

03. Accessibility training workshop

A training workshops for developers, designers, and content creators to raise awareness of accessibility best practices and techniques for designing inclusive digital experiences.

02. Testing services

Real usability testing with individuals with disabilities to evaluate website accessibility from the perspective of end-users. We’ll provide all the results of the testing and recommendations for improvement.

04. Accessibility statements

We’ll help draft an accessibility statement for your website, outlining your commitment to accessibility and providing information on how users can request additional accommodations and report issues.

Curious about pricing?

Transparency is our mantra – especially when it comes to numbers. Check out our services and rates. No BS budgets or tech-heavy jargon – just real examples and clear deliverables.

Why is web accessibility important?

The web is for everyone. Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the web equally. By improving your accessibility, you’re creating a website that is welcoming for everyone who visits.

Designing for accessibility means accepting that there is no standard user or standard device for browsing the web – we have to be open to unique situations. When we perform an accessibility audit we are thinking about:

  • People with visual disabilities,
  • People with motor and dexterity disabilities,
  • People who are deaf or hard of hearing, and 
  • People with cognitive disabilities.